Do you want to find or improve your motivation ?
AP2V Conseils gives you here a very simple and fast tool to boost your or your teams motivation.
What is motivation ?
Motivation is a phenomenon that is both simple and complex in the sense that any individual has probably already met one or more periods of total motivation in his or her life and felt its positive effects on his / her living environment : joy, well-being, sense of personal fulfillment, pride, etc.
This state of total alignment and congruence between the will, the means implemented and the results obtained is very often reached in an unconscious way, without really thinking about it or knowing why. An event occurs in our life, a thought crosses out of our mind, and we are all sailed out to this new goal, with a feeling of doing the right thing at the right time !
However, it is often much more difficult to give the recipe to surely achieve this almost second state consciously and voluntarily in which a person in a state of maximum motivation is found. This state is also called "Flow", referring to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's work on the subject.
Tool "challenge - skills"
Without pretending to give such a recipe like a little "miracle" to achieve almost from nowhere this state of Flow, AP2V Conseils offers to put into practice this little exercise in order to give a little boost to your motivation :
First, choose a goal or action you want to do that you feel is lacking in motivation.
Then evaluate concretely and objectively:
- The resources and skills needed to achieve your goal, distinguishing those you already have, and those to acquire
- The level of personal challenge that corresponds to achieving your goal: major or minor change in your life, more or less consequences, commitment duration, etc.
Once this work is done, place yourself according to your results on the following graph:
The more you feel that this project is a challenge for you, the higher your cross will be placed in the top left corner of the chart and the higher the level of skills you have today the higher your cross will be to place down to the right of the graph.
You will then be able to analyze the position of your cross regarding the following 4 zones and thus obtain some clues on the probable cause of your lack of current motivation, namely :
- Not enough challenge, you are in your comfort zone and perhaps feeling bored, in this case, reconsider your goal in a more ambitious way!
- The objective is too ambitious with regard to your current resources and capacities, the stress thus generated blocks you: go to acquire the skills that you are lacking or slightly lower the level of challenge
- Your cross is at the bottom left, it may be appropriate to reconsider your goal and especially how it makes sense to you.
AP2V Conseils offers professional coaching services for your employees, managers and leaders to find or improve their level of motivation both individual and collective thus allowing you to achieve your goals!
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Author: Florent POULET, State Certified Professional Coach - Engineer - Founding President AP2V Conseils - Copyright All Rights Reserved July 2018
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