What are the advantages of offering professional coaching to your employees in a relocation process ?
Professional relocation is often a sign of significant change for both the employee and the family that accompanies him or her in this new project. AP2V Conseils brings you its vision of the benefits that professional coaching can bring in this type of context.
A new challenge
When a collaborator accepts a new job located differently from his current place of life, it is a whole change of life that he is accepting : new house, new colleagues, new culture or new circle of friends are only examples among the multitude of topics to which the collaborator will have to adapt. In addition, for the family case, this change of position will have significant direct and indirect impacts also for his spouse and their potential children : impact on the career of the spouse or discontinuity in the school career of children.
Added to this is the take-on function itself, with a large number of topics on which the employee will have to cope and master in the shortest possible time so as not to penalize the rest of the team. Sometimes, during a change of country, all this will have to be done in a foreign language, little or not mastered at the time of the taking of post in the most extreme cases.
It is therefore not uncommon for the average duration of adaptation of the collaborator to his new life (private and professional) is greater than 6 months to 1 year, even for people accustomed to this type of change or having a high level of adaptive intelligence. During this period, the effectiveness of the employee in the tasks assigned to him or her is often lower than the nominal rate desired by the employer. This results in a largely perfectible performance and this is exactly what professional coaching will do.
Decrease adaptation time and increase performance
By not leaving the employee alone to tackle all of these multiple challenges, the professional Coach will offer a space of reflection, conducive to the awareness of the axes of divergence (cultural, food, professional, ...) then to the development and the mobilization of new resources to adapt to this new environment, while respecting the personality and identity of the collaborator (its ecological and ontological security).
The aim of this support is to help the employee to identify and implement the adaptations he / she deems necessary to live in his new environment. The work themes for the collaborator can be :
- accept cultural differences
- overcome some fears or anxieties related to this big change (stress)
- from these differences, what are my added values in this new work environment?
- What is important to me in this new position?
The interest of this support is to act as a real incubator or accelerator of positive integration for the collaborator, with beneficial effects for both the employer and the collaborator :
- significantly reduce the period of adaptation to his or her new life for the collaborator
- avoid possible situations of frustration or rejection of certain aspects of the new environment
- reduce the integration period and optimize the employee's performance at his new position
Finally, in some cases, a professional coaching mission may also be beneficial for the family circle of the relocated collaborator (spouse and children) in order to help them adapt as well as possible to their new environment and thus contribute to the balance of the relocated collaborator.
AP2V Conseils assists your employees in their new functions and work environment by offering professional trilingual coaching (French - English - Spanish) in France and abroad, in order to accelerate the adaptation period by establishing a relationship conducive to personal development, in a climate of trust and warmth.
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Author: Florent POULET, State Certified Professional Coach - Engineer - Founding President AP2V Conseils - Copyright All Rights Reserved July 2018
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